My brother keeps telling me that Israel is a land of surprises, and I can see why! Here is a rushing brook up in the very northern part. I didn’t know they had so much water! Wouldn’t it be fun to just jump in and ride down!
Now, here’s another surprise. Do you remember when Jesus asked the Disciples who people think He is? They gave all sorts of answers, and then Simon said, “You are the Christ”. Jesus told him, you’re right, and from now on your name is Peter – which means Rock – and I’ll build my church on you. Well, all that took place right here! It might not look quite like it did, but in its heyday this place had all kind of temples to Greek gods. My brother said that the ruins themselves are quite impressive! Isn’t it interesting that Jesus took the Disciples to a place with all kinds of things competing for their attention, and then Peter made it crystal clear. I really like that guy!

After lunch, the group went up in the Golan Heights to look out over Syria. Our friend Jim took a tumble coming out of a bunker, but Ellie, Mary, Amy, and Ben took good care of him. Oh, one thing: my brother told me that what looks like a soldier with a rifle is really a cut-out. Well, you could have fooled me!

Anyway, they were able to look out over Syria from there. Back when the Apostle Paul was called Saul, he was treating the new Christians badly. Then, he was traveling to Damascus in Syria, right up from where my brother took this picture on the border of Israel and Syria. There was a blinding flash of light and he was knocked off his horse. The Lord put fish scales on his eyes, and his companions led him to a house. When the scales fell off his eyes, he became known as Paul and from then on put in a good word for the Lord whenever he could. I really like that guy, too!
I thought it would have been neat if that happened again while my brother was there, but he told me that he was actually very glad that he did not see a blinding flash of light while he was on the border of Israel and Syria. I have no idea what he’s talking about sometimes!
The group ended their day back on the Sea of Galilee. Here’s a boat that the folks there discovered a few years ago in the mud. It is about 2,000 years old. I’m not sure my brother could hook up a trolling motor to it now, but it sure is nice to think that it is a boat that Jesus might have been in!

Well, I hope you all have a good evening, and let me know if you see any blinding flashes of light!
Love, Winston