Hello! The title of today’s adventures is from one of my brother’s favorite songs, by John Michael Montgomery. I think he has a sister named Lucy Maude Montgomery. That’s such a coincidence, because Lucy Maude was one of my niece’s favorite writers growing up! Between you and me, I think the Montgomery family might have cornered the market on middle names: I don’t think I even have one! That’s OK, though. My thought is, if you don’t need something, leave it for someone else. I know my nephew-in-law uses his all the time, so I’m glad to help out.

Anyway, Lucy Maude had a bunch of stories about a girl named Anne who lived on Prince Edward’s Island. It’s up on the ocean, even farther away than our boat, if you can believe that! You may know Prince Edward from his cigars, but I don’t think Anne’s stories ever talked about those, so he might have had another island just for them.
Maybe he went long in middle names, too: I’ve heard that princes and princesses do have a lot of them. By the way, I tried a cigar once and didn’t care for it, but I’ve since heard they’re not for snacking.

Wow, I’ve gotten way off-course from today’s adventure! Anyway, I thought of John Michael’s song this morning when we got to Fort Brookside on our morning walk. My nose picked up the smell of bagels, coming from inside the Fort:
… Had sure things blow up in my face, seen the long-shot win the race
Been knocked down by the slammin’ door, picked myself up and came back for more…
That was sure a surprise! Don’t worry, though, because I had an idea. It was time to play the long game:
My brother says it’s kind of like fishing. And, sure enough, my patience paid off!
Success! I knew I wanted to grab those tasty bites, because Fort Brookside is right across the street from the place that sells old, school bagels. I guess it’s an outlet store for all the leftover bagels they have because the kids aren’t going to school as much anymore. My brother says it’s actually named “Old School Bagels” but don’t let the name fool you. They are delicious, and fresh as a daisy! Better, really, because I put daisies in the same category as cigars, at least as far as taste. Maybe they could change their name to something like “Fresh School Bagels”. Or, if they wanted to leave out the middle name, “Fresh Bagels”. Simple and to the point!
Well, I’d love to hear about your adventures today! Here’s John Michael again while you think about all your fun times!
Life’s a dance you learn as you go,
Sometimes you lead, sometimes you follow.
Don’t worry ‘bout what you don’t know,
Life’s a dance you learn as you go.
Love, Winston