This week’s treat was an entire bagel! The fun part was that the festivities were spread out over two days! My brother says that there’s a saying that good things come to those who wait, so I guess that’s me!

Here’s what happened. We were on our morning walk when I spotted a whole sesame seed bagel on the ground. Before my brother knew it, I had it! Now, my brother told me later that he didn’t want me to get choked on the whole thing. He knew that I was going to get about a third of it no matter what, so he wrestled the other two-thirds from me. That’s OK, and I do appreciate that he was thinking about my health!
Well, what he should have known is that I made a note of where the rest of that bagel was. I didn’t know if some other dog might get it before we returned, but the next day, when we walked by – there it was! And before my brother knew it, I had eaten the “hole” thing!

The bagel capers happened so fast that my brother didn’t have time to film them, but he did get some footage of a nice treasure that I took back home the other day. I love to use my Retriever skills!
The more I think about that bagel, I’m sure it must have come from Hole Foods. Do you all have one of those stores? There’s one right down the street from us. It always surprises me that such a big store can specialize in just donuts and bagels. Oh, and maybe Swiss cheese.
My brother says that they would probably hire me to have a little specialty corner in the store. We could call it “Winston’s Artisanal Socks and Towels”. I do have a flair for putting artistic holes in those things, if I do say so myself! And speaking of Hole Foods, look at the name of the truck that was unloading things this morning. I think they’d be the perfect transporter for my line of products!

Well, until we have our shop open in Hole Foods, feel free to send me something that you’d like to have personalized by me. I do have to let you know, though, that if it’s any kind of food, I can’t guarantee it will make it back to you! Here’s a little sample of my handiwork on my favorite blanket, featuring the Pioneer Lady’s dog.

I hope you get to enjoy some new treat or treasure, even if it takes a couple of days. My brother says those same folks who talk about good things coming to those who wait also say that patience is a virtue. I can vouch that it builds your character … and your appetite!