A while back, I let you all know that we had moved from Daylight Saving Time to Daylight Spending Time. Well, this morning we started back on Daylight Saving Time, so I guess we’re making deposits instead of withdrawals. It sure seems like we’re spending daylight, though! I had to lie down and think about it awhile!

I usually wake up a little before six in the morning. I let my brother sleep a little bit more – until the respectable time of about 6:20. Well, today I went in to wake him up and it was already 7:20! Funny!
It was raining, too, so we didn’t get to go on our walk, although I don’t think we can blame the Daylight National Bank for that. My brother says it’s like we’re back in Washington without having to make the drive there. I have no idea what he’s talking about!

As you can see, I got plenty wet just going out to the backyard for my morning constitutional! That was a double win: I actually like walking in the rain, and I really like getting dried off with the fancy towel!
Oh, and I almost forgot: look what my brother found at the Goodwill Store yesterday:

I think the resemblance is striking! What do you think?

He says he’s going to use it every morning. That will be fun!
Well, I guess we’re saving more daylight during this cloudy rainstorm day, so I’ll go take a nap. Here’s some pretty Spring flowers that are coming up in our back yard. I hope you are getting some flowers, too – and can enjoy them during all this daylight we’re saving!