We went to the Veterans’ Day Parade yesterday. I was so proud of everyone there, but boy: did I get a surprise! Did you know that they actually fire off their weapons? Wow! I’ll tell you all about it.

I’m glad everyone is wearing their bandanas these days. I remembered that I had this nice, patriotic one from my barber shop visit back in July. We got downtown, parked at the Church, and waited for the parade to begin.

I did my best to stand at attention as the flag went by. However, all bets were off with what happened next. I learned two very important things at the Parade. The first one is:
Bagpipes are scary!
https://youtu.be/oYbBFTayorUI had heard of bagpipes before, but I thought they were musical instruments. I had a hard time getting a close look because I was trying to get away, but I think there are two types: there are black turkeys with very stiff necks and then there are piglets wrapped in red blankets. Both types were being held by men in fancy skirts, and they were being squeezed so hard that they were all squealing at the top of their lungs.
By the way, don’t be too hard on my brother’s camera skills. He was trying to keep me from running away while he was filming. I don’t know how he stayed so calm!

Well, I’m sorry we didn’t stay for the rest of the Parade. As you can see, I was still a little nervous when we got back to the car. Anyway, the second thing I learned was a huge surprise. I had always thought that parades were people walking, marching bands, and pretty floats. When the bagpipes came by, I realized that they actually fire off their weapons during a parade! Those soldiers in skirts must be very well-trained because there were little kids just a few feet from them and nobody got hurt! For my money, they’re right up there with the Seals, the Rangers, Delta Force, and the Green Berets!
I’m glad I’m not a bad guy, because if I saw the bagpipes coming, I’d surrender on the spot! I’m so glad they’re on our side!

Here’s a big thank you to the Bagpipe Brigade, and all the folks who keep us safe. Happy Veterans’ Day!