I hope you all are having a great Christmas! I was excited going to sleep last night. Here’s how the boat looks.
Our Christmas decorations
Sure enough, after our walk this morning, we came back and saw that Santa had left me a new toy! It’s a big rope with a crinkly center. Hours of fun!
Oh, by the way, have I showed you the outside decorations? I think there’s a striking resemblance!
My brother smoked some cheese early this morning and then he smoked a beef tenderloin to take over to my niece and nephew-in-law. I got to be the taste tester! After that, I was ready for a nap!
When my brother got back, we took a walk. It was cold and windy, so we had some more beef to warm us up when we got back to the boat.
I love Christmas! It’s a time of the year when all my two-legged friends act more like dogs. They’re nice to one another, they have a sense of wonder, they like to be close together, and they love to eat! Just like God intended, if you ask me!
I’ll see you tomorrow with the start of my Twelve Treasures of Christmas.
Well, my brother and I are back in Washington, DC! Here’s a picture of us leaving the house last Wednesday:
Before I tell you about our adventures, a big “thank you” to my niece’s mom: she made me a nice blanket for Christmas!
It is very soft and it has pictures of the Pioneer Lady’s dog in a pickup truck on it! I think it’s time my brother and I got a pickup, but I think I’ll still let him drive most of the time. When you’re the driver, I think your passengers expect you to stay seated and not just decide to lie down whenever you feel like it.
Our first night, we stayed in Jackson, Tennessee. With my traveling bowls, I felt right at home!
Our room had a nice couch for me to sleep on – just like home and the boat.
The hotel folks had dog treats for me in the lobby and there was a nice courtyard to explore.
Speaking of the courtyard, I think the hotel was also called the “Courtyard”. What a coincidence!
The next day we got to my friend Tripp’s and his brother, Mike’s. They live in the Smoky Mountains. Speaking of another coincidence – the mountains were a little hazy!
We got to their house before they did, so I got to play in the backyard. I even got to “borrow” one of Tripp’s toys for the rest of the trip.
At first I thought it was a little lamb, but it’s actually a fluffy piñata, because it’s full of squeakers! At last count, I have removed four squeakers from it. What a nice surprise!
It’s always fun to visit them on Lake Douglas. Wait a minute – Douglas is also my brother’s name! This trip is jam-packed with coincidences!
On Lake Douglas
Well, I’ll keep you updated on our adventures on the boat, soon!
I told you yesterday that I’d have a surprise for you. Well, here it is!
Did you think it was me at first? I know I sure did! Then, I realized that I was looking at it, so it would be hard for that to happen. I still look outside at it and then at my own paw sometimes, though, just to be sure!
You all may know my friend, Clifford, the Big Red Dog. Well, I’m now officially Winston, the Big Golden Golden.
My brother got it for me as a surprise. I am honored to be part of our Christmas decorations this year!
We’ve been so busy, that I forgot to tell you about Thanksgiving. The second turkey turned out as good as the first one!
My brother put it in a big brine bath on Wednesday. Then, early on Thanksgiving morning, just when I thought we were going on our walk, he put it in the smoker.
It smelled so good that I didn’t even mind missing our walk! I was happy to stand guard. Actually, I laid down, but I was still able to watch for hungry intruders.
I love this picture. It looks like turkey angels bringing the smoked turkey to the Promised Land.
You know how much I like to find chicken wings and ribs on our morning walks. Well, they have met their match!
I got one more picture before my brother headed over to Max’s house with Mark and Susie. But don’t worry; he brought me back a big bag of turkey and we’ve been eating some of it every day!
The rest of the weekend we spent putting up Christmas decorations. Did you know that if I really stretch, I can reach the stockings on the mantle? That is so fun!
Speaking of decorations, I have a big surprise for you. I’ll show you tomorrow!
The Holidays are right around the corner! I discovered a really amazing way to make them even more special this year, but first, let me give you an update on what’s going on at our house.
First, I’m very excited that we’re going to have two turkeys this year! My brother is taking a brined and smoked one to Max’s family (Susie and Mark) for Thanksgiving, so he wanted to make what he called a “trial balloon” this weekend, just to make sure everything worked out. No complaints from me! He brined it on Friday night and smoked it yesterday.
Now that you mention it, a turkey does kind of look like a balloon!
I was very happy with his results! Now, before we continue, do you remember our ongoing agreement to not worry my veterinarian, sweet Dr Green? I’m still eating green beans with my meals, so if you see her, let’s just accentuate that part – no need to mention what else is going into the bowl! OK: the turkey was delicious! I even got some of the broth with my green beans and food this morning. It made me break out into one of my happy dances. Does food ever do that to you? You should try it sometime!
Do a little dance!
Now, here’s my tip for sprucing up your decorations as we get ready for Christmas. The other morning, my brother let his guard down just long enough for me to find a piece of aluminum foil behind Billy Simms’ BBQ palace. It was covered with barbecue sauce and, before my brother knew what had happened, I swallowed the whole thing!
They say that good things come to those who wait, and that is sure true here. This morning, on our walk, I had the most festive poop you’ve ever seen! My brother refused to take a picture of it, but trust me: it would have brightened your day! It sparkled like Christmas tinsel. That brought on another happy dance.
Let’s exercise away some of that turkey!
Maybe you can help me get the word out to all our four-legged friends. Let’s try to spread some Christmas cheer to our two-legged friends who are still in time-out, wearing their muzzles! My brother disagrees with me, but I don’t think our people friends would even have to pick up after us. I know if I walked out into my front yard and saw one of these beautiful decorations, I would break out into a big smile!
I’ll try to contact the dogs who live on the Pioneer Lady’s ranch. Maybe some of you can write that Living Southern magazine or the Hallmark Station. All it takes is aluminum foil, food, and a little patience.
On our walk the other morning, my brother kept saying, “Where’s Winston?” At first, I thought he needed some new glasses, but then I looked around. The whole street looked like me!
I believe the word is “camouflage”. Some folks spend a lot of money at the Wall Mart or the Bass Professors for it, but I’m so lucky to come by it naturally!
I think I could give that Waldo fellow a run for his money!
It’s kind of fun to hide in plain sight! If you talk to any squirrels and rabbits in the neighborhood, please don’t mention our conversation. I want to surprise them!
We went to the Veterans’ Day Parade yesterday. I was so proud of everyone there, but boy: did I get a surprise! Did you know that they actually fire off their weapons? Wow! I’ll tell you all about it.
I’m glad everyone is wearing their bandanas these days. I remembered that I had this nice, patriotic one from my barber shop visit back in July. We got downtown, parked at the Church, and waited for the parade to begin.
I did my best to stand at attention as the flag went by. However, all bets were off with what happened next. I learned two very important things at the Parade. The first one is:
I had heard of bagpipes before, but I thought they were musical instruments. I had a hard time getting a close look because I was trying to get away, but I think there are two types: there are black turkeys with very stiff necks and then there are piglets wrapped in red blankets. Both types were being held by men in fancy skirts, and they were being squeezed so hard that they were all squealing at the top of their lungs. By the way, don’t be too hard on my brother’s camera skills. He was trying to keep me from running away while he was filming. I don’t know how he stayed so calm!
Well, I’m sorry we didn’t stay for the rest of the Parade. As you can see, I was still a little nervous when we got back to the car. Anyway, the second thing I learned was a huge surprise. I had always thought that parades were people walking, marching bands, and pretty floats. When the bagpipes came by, I realized that they actually fire off their weapons during a parade! Those soldiers in skirts must be very well-trained because there were little kids just a few feet from them and nobody got hurt! For my money, they’re right up there with the Seals, the Rangers, Delta Force, and the Green Berets! I’m glad I’m not a bad guy, because if I saw the bagpipes coming, I’d surrender on the spot! I’m so glad they’re on our side!
Here’s a big thank you to the Bagpipe Brigade, and all the folks who keep us safe. Happy Veterans’ Day!
A lot of you all have been wondering about the latest on our neighbors, the moles, and their construction project. Well, I’m glad you asked! They have been as busy as beavers!
Ain’t No Molehill Tall Enough …
As you can see, they’ve dug up a lot of dirt! I never think about them driving, but there’s enough room for an underground parking garage, so maybe that’s what’s going on.
Besides all the digging, there are several loads of pipe that’re being connected.
My brother thinks it has something to do with a gas pipeline. That’s so funny! I haven’t seen any commercial kitchen equipment delivered and I don’t think even the moles would need that much heat. Plus, I don’t think they can see well enough to adjust the thermostat. Maybe they’ll get a talking hockey puck like our friend Alexa to help them.
Maybe it’s a playground for their kids.
Even when their new, underground house is covered up, there will still be quite a big structure sticking up topside. It could be a playground for their kids or maybe a guesthouse for when their friends the hamsters and gerbils come to visit. I hope they get it done soon: Thanksgiving and Christmas are just around the corner!
I guessed that the architect was using the style of “Gopher Baroque” and it sure seems to be! It’s a bit different for the neighborhood, but sometimes it’s fun to have a little surprise when you turn a corner and see something you’re not expecting!
I sure hope they’ve checked with the Zoning folks!
There’s one thing I will miss when their remodel is done. Before, when I wanted to go over and visit, I’d just dig a hole, stick my nose in, and say, “hi”. That’s going to be a little more difficult with all the metal pipes, but it could help with that “distant socializing” everybody seems to be talking about! Maybe I can find some very tiny little bandanas to take them for a housewarming gift!
What a beautiful, Fall day! My brother and I went on the Talimena Drive. I love Fall because it’s a little cooler for me, plus a lot of the trees start to look like Golden Retrievers.
I know the two-legged people are still in timeout and have to wear their bandanas over their mouths. I’m glad I’m behaving, and just to make everybody else not feel bad, I wore my new, sporty bandana that I got at the barber shop the other day.
Talimena, here we come.
I like to sit in the front seat and help navigate, but once we got on The Drive, there was so much going on that I spent a lot of time looking backwards to make sure we hadn’t missed anything.
At the eastern end of the Talimena Drive is the Queen Wilhelmina Lodge. That’s where I thought we were going to get some waffles. It’s a funny story!
So good arrivin’ when it’s drivin’ time.
On the way there, my brother told me that Queen Wilhelmina was the queen of Belgium. That’s when my mouth started watering: waffles!
I’ve heard that there are some pigs in Europe who hunt for truffles. Well, I took it upon myself to be the Pioneer Golden Retriever; hunting for waffles in the Ouachita National Forest!
Above Talimena.
I was thinking of all my Golden Retriever friends who could join me in the waffle hunt. Maybe another group of us could hunt for fried chicken, just to cover all the bases. With that in mind, we hit the trail, nose to the ground, on a mission!
Lover’s Leap at Queen Wilhelmina Lodge.
Now, here’s the funny part. My brother got it wrong: Queen Wilhelmina was from Holland! Goodbye, waffles. Hello, chocolate, which nobody wants me to have for some reason. I guess they’re worried my face will break out, which I’m not too worried about, because it’s covered with fur and no one could tell, anyway. Oh well; it was still a joy to be out and about. I was so happy that I did a little dance!
A happy tump at Queen Wilhelmina Lodge.
They have a little train that goes around the Queen Wilhelmina Lodge. Naturally, I decided it was the perfect time to take a rest on the tracks. My brother said I looked like the Perils of Pauline. I don’t think we’ve ever met, but I want her to know that I’m a trained professional on a closed course – don’t try this at home!
I’m ready for my closeup, Mr Gasnier.
We had a nice walk on some trails, and then it was time to head home.
A little bit stronger.
Here’s something interesting: on the drive to The Drive, I was thinking so much about waffle-hunting that I missed some of the beautiful scenery. Has that ever happened to you? Anyway, I got to really pay attention to everything unfolding before us on the drive home.
I’m gonna be a diamond someday.
I loved all the music we listened to on the trip. This is one of my favorites: “I’m just an old chunk of coal, but I’m gonna be a diamond someday.”
The Long and Talimeandering Road
My brother took a lot of photos and videos on The Drive. By the way, if anyone asks, we had at least one hand (or paw) on the wheel at all times! Once again: don’t try this at home!
This last video is kind of long, but I like the part of the song that says, “Funny how a melody sounds like a memory.” Whenever I hear it now, I will always think of our fun day, hunting for waffles on the Talimena Drive!
Well, I heard that we’re not on Daylight Saving Time anymore, so I guess that means that we’re now on Daylight Spending Time. My brother and I are spending ours in the morning. That’s nice, because it’s lighter when we go on our early walks, but then it seems that we don’t have as much light left at the end of the day. How are you spending your daylight?
Speaking of our morning walks, I want to show you some of the treasures I’ve found! One of the benefits of Daylight Spending Time is that it’s easier to see things on our path – and my brother is still a little sleepy so his reaction time is not so good!
This first one was a whole box of food! I understand that the fellow on the box is Colonel Sanders and that he invented fried chicken, although I’ll bet other people already knew how to do that, too. That’s an interesting first name: I think the only other person I know with that name is Colonel Shields, but he goes by Guy. I don’t know how you get Guy from Colonel, but then my brother and I know a lady named Margaret who goes by Peggy, so I guess it’s just one of those surprises you run into!
Anyway, before my brother knew what had happened, I was able to eat a little piece of chicken, a big French fry, and even a “colonel” of corn or two. Ha ha!
Next up, here’s a little sack with a surprise. My brother thought it was just a piece of paper so he let me carry it with my teeth instead of wrestling me for it. Well, I proudly carried it all the way back home, and then he realized that there was food inside: a little pig-in-a-blanket, stuffed in a sack, kind of like one of those Russian nesting dolls! Yum!
This next treasure has a funny story. I found it on our walk this morning, just lying in someone’s yard. My brother thinks it is part of a child’s dinosaur costume, and he tried to wrestle me for it. I’m not meaning to brag, but I have six-pack jaws, so rather than rip the fabric, my brother decided to let me carry it home, and then he got it. He insisted that we drive back and put it in the people’s yard. Well, when we got there and he got out of the car, those people came out of their house and wanted to know what he was doing – I think they thought he was littering! We all got a good laugh. Well, maybe not my brother, but everyone else.
What treasures have you found on your walks lately? They’re little blessings and they’re all around you!