Professional Bass

I may not know what the bass are professionals at, but I’m sure glad they built their store! At this time of year, it is so nice to go to an outdoor-looking place that is cool inside!

We started outside by the pond. It was fun saying hello to the birds, but I was ready for some cool air!

Ahh! Here are the bass and some other fish in what I suppose is their Board Room. I sure hope they keep voting for air conditioning!

They have two magic rooms that get you from one floor to the other. My brother and I like this one the best. The door says, “Far more important than the gun is a soundly tutored knowledge of field manners and tactics as between dog and man.” – Nash Buckingham

You can say that again! Between the two of us, I think my brother and I have manners and tactics covered!

Do you know that song that says, “The cattle are standing like statues”? Well, I didn’t see any cows, but all these deer were really good at it. I tried my best to get them to move, but they are well-trained Deer Professionals! I bet they kick their feet up and have a big bowl of water every night when they get home!

This is my favorite part of the Professional Bass Store. They have three aisles devoted to smelly fish bait! Wow, I could stay there all day! I keep on hinting to my brother that they would make great snacks for me but he hasn’t taken the bait yet!

Well, I hope that you get to stay cool today – and that everything you smell makes you smile!

Love, Winston