Oh boy! We got some snow yesterday and today! Don’t you just love snow? It makes me so happy that I just run and run, and then run some more.
I like the way it makes my nose tingle.

Well, my brother got his exercise, too. He shoveled our driveway and sidewalk. He asked me to guard the house while he was outside. I took my job very seriously.

I was hoping that he was going to keep going across our street and up the other street so that we could start going on our walks again. By that, I mean so that he could start going on our walks again: I’m ready to go!
Well, all the excitement and exercise fun and my job of guarding the house was hard work, so I was ready for a little nap.

I hope you all are having as much fun on your snow days as I am! Let me know if you get to run around outside. Better yet, send me some pictures!