Spring, Glorious Spring!

I got to go to the Barber Shop! I am now officially ready for Spring! My brother says that my fur is so soft, and look at this snazzy bandana!

When we got home, I had to tell all the neighborhood dogs about my day at the “Spa”:

Then, the next morning, I decided to lead us on a route we had never taken before. It was just the tiniest of departures from our regular walk. I headed us east on our street instead of going north. And that made a huge difference!

It was so fun to explore under the new azaleas and dogwoods … you never know what bunnies you might find there!

A lot of the neighborhoods on this route have little gates in front of them. We didn’t have our PikePass with us, so we just kept walking.

When we got back on our side of the street, we were walking on trails we go on a lot, but we were walking in what my brother calls a Clock Wise direction. I guess we usually approach it like an Unwise Clock, and it was funny how much it looked like a brand new neighborhood just by going the other way! Has that ever happened to you?

It’s so funny that walking up a hill you usually walk down can sure change your perspective.

As we approached this next house, I realized it was where my friend Barka Barkes lives. That’s what my brother says her name is, anyway. I guess she was still asleep because she didn’t run out to greet us.

When we got home, between all the excitement of the Barber Shop yesterday, walking like a silly clock, and a nice rain shower we had this morning, I was ready for a nap!

Well, as all the flowers and trees show off their Spring finery, I hope you get a chance to get spruced up a little and then get outside and enjoy the beauty of the season. I think it will really lift your spirits!

Love, Winston