We went to the Veterans’ Day Parade yesterday. I was so proud of everyone there, but boy: did I get a surprise! Did you know that they actually fire off their weapons? Wow! I’ll tell you all about it.
I’m glad everyone is wearing their bandanas these days. I remembered that I had this nice, patriotic one from my barber shop visit back in July. We got downtown, parked at the Church, and waited for the parade to begin.
I did my best to stand at attention as the flag went by. However, all bets were off with what happened next. I learned two very important things at the Parade. The first one is:
I had heard of bagpipes before, but I thought they were musical instruments. I had a hard time getting a close look because I was trying to get away, but I think there are two types: there are black turkeys with very stiff necks and then there are piglets wrapped in red blankets. Both types were being held by men in fancy skirts, and they were being squeezed so hard that they were all squealing at the top of their lungs. By the way, don’t be too hard on my brother’s camera skills. He was trying to keep me from running away while he was filming. I don’t know how he stayed so calm!
Well, I’m sorry we didn’t stay for the rest of the Parade. As you can see, I was still a little nervous when we got back to the car. Anyway, the second thing I learned was a huge surprise. I had always thought that parades were people walking, marching bands, and pretty floats. When the bagpipes came by, I realized that they actually fire off their weapons during a parade! Those soldiers in skirts must be very well-trained because there were little kids just a few feet from them and nobody got hurt! For my money, they’re right up there with the Seals, the Rangers, Delta Force, and the Green Berets! I’m glad I’m not a bad guy, because if I saw the bagpipes coming, I’d surrender on the spot! I’m so glad they’re on our side!
Here’s a big thank you to the Bagpipe Brigade, and all the folks who keep us safe. Happy Veterans’ Day!
I love this day! The pretty flag with the stripes and stars is everywhere and the whole neighborhood smells like meat cooking. Yum!
Rather tricky out, because it looks like it would be cooler than it is. We got a nice walk in earlier, nonetheless. I still just can’t quite reach that water that the nice lion is trying to give me at Nakatomi Gardens.
Maybe we can bring a ramp next trip.
There are little flags all over Utica Square. Even the moles are patriotic, I guess!
The moles’ fireworks ought to be interesting. Be sure to wear protective eyewear.
A fellow’s got to be careful when he’s doing his business around there: don’t want to disrespect the flag!
A little later, my Elder Brother is going to be heading out to watch some fireworks. When we first got together, he was concerned that I might get nervous around fireworks. As you can see from the Mardi Gras parade fireworks we watched on the boat, he needn’t have worried.
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Flag Day is Sunday, June 14th. It’s been celebrated every year on June 14th since President Woodrow Wilson proclaimed it such in 1916. The reason for that specific date actually goes all the way back to 1777, when the flag of the United States was adopted by the Second Continental Congress on June 14, 1777. Coincidentally, the US Army shares the same birthday; it was formed on June 14, 1775.
Attention! I’m ready to salute!
Now that We Know the Why, Here’s the Who
There are six companies offering 100% made-in-the-USA, American flags, whose products are available on Amazon:
Annin Flagmakers: Founded in 1847. See their impressive resumé below.
Collins Flags: Located in Marion, Indiana, their eco-friendly flags are made of 100% recycled water and soda bottles.
Rushmore Rose USA: The Texas-based company’s 100% cotton flag is an Amazon best-seller. Their website has a section on flag etiquette and a list of half-staff proclamations.
USA Flag Co: Operating from Sparks, Nevada, their website offers many tips on flag etiquette.
Valley Forge Flags: Established in 1882 and headquartered in Wyomissing, Pennsylvania, they manufacture and distribute their products from their facilities in South Carolina.
Annin Flagmakers: A Special Shoutout
Talk about an American flag! Here’s some information from Annin’s website: “Our flags have participated in world events such as:
The inauguration of Abraham Lincoln, as well as the flag that draped his casket.
The opening ceremonies of the Brooklyn Bridge in 1883.
The arrival of Commander Robert E. Peary at the North Pole in 1909 and Rear Admiral Richard E. Byrd at the South Pole 21 years later.
Raising the flag by U.S. Marines atop Mt. Suribachi on Iwo Jima in 1945.
When Apollo 11 made its historic mission to the moon in 1969, its cargo included 186 Annin flags that Astronauts Edwin “Buzz” Aldrin, Neil Armstrong and Michael Collins would later distribute as mementos.
America’s 1976 Bicentennial celebration.
The design and inception of the POW-MIA flag in 1979 in conjunction with the National League of Families of POW/MIA.
The Field of Remembrance at Battery Park, NY for the 10th Anniversary of September 11th.”
The “Prime” Choices
There are 12 made-in-the-USA flag choices that qualify for Amazon Prime, so you can have Old Glory delivered, raised, and flying on Flag Day. All of these flags have great reviews (4.1 stars up to 5.0), so you can focus on size, materials, and price. We’ll start with the most popular size. You may already have the right flagpole for it.
Three by Five: the Golden (Retriever) Ratio
If you’ve bought a flag at Costco, Sam’s, or similar establishment, chances are the flag was 3 x 5 feet (36 x 60 inches). Alas, chances are also it was not made in America. On the positive side, its pole will probably fit your new, American-made American flag. This size flag is well-proportioned for most homes; hence, its sale at most retail stores.
Here’s a little more information on that 3 : 5 relationship. It comes very close to the Golden Ratio, which scientists, artists, musicians, mathematicians, naturalists, astronomers, and philosophers have observed for thousands of years. Items in this proportion are visually attractive. For the mathematically inclined, the ratio is approximately 1 : 1.618, or:
(a+b)is toaasais tob
the Golden Ratio (aka Golden Mean, Divine Proportion)
Let’s not even get started with how the Golden Ratio relates to the Fibonacci Sequence: we’ll miss Flag Day! Suffice it to say, a 3 x 5 flag’s proportion is in good company with the Parthenon, the Eiffel Tower, and maybe even your flat-screen television. And, even though the dimensions for official American flags are 1 : 1.9 (per 4 USC § 1 and 2), there are exceptions even then: casket flags are 5 x 9 1/2 feet. The flags sold to the general public are 3 x 5 feet and that is perfectly permissible, even desirable esthetically.
One point Nine: it’s not just a good idea, it’s the law!
As I said above, you’re probably going to be very happy with any flag you choose from our list. However, there are a few that get extremely high review ratings, with a whole bunch of reviewers weighing in.
Rushmore Rose USA 3 x 5, with sewn stripes and embroidered stars. Over the course of a whopping 4,520 reviews on Amazon, this flag draws an average of 4.8 stars. The price is a very reasonable $29.95.
Annin Flagmakers Model 2710 3 x 5, with sewn stripes, embroidered stars, and brass grommets. With 6,565 reviews – the most of any of our flags – it draws an average of 4.7 stars and a modest price of $23.14.
Annin also makes a deluxe version of its Model 2710, the Model 4295, which includes a six-foot aluminum spinner pole that rotates 360 degrees, plus a solar-powered light. It sells for $69.99 and has an average rating of 4.6 stars over 5,980 reviews.
While there are exceptions, flags with sewn stripes and embroidered stars are considered to be of a higher quality than those having the colors printed onto a single piece of fabric. Keep that in mind as we continue looking at 3 x 5 flags.
Valley Forge Flags 3 x 5 flag with sewn stripes, embroidered stars, and brass grommets. A price of $19.99, with a rating of 4.6 stars over 1,245 reviews.
Another Valley Forge flag with sewn stripes and embroidered stars, this one is made of a polyester/rayon blend and sells for $32.94. It also has a 4.6 star rating, with a smaller number of – but still respectable – 72 reviews.
Rushmore Rose USA 3 x 5 flag printed on 70% polyester / 30% cotton. Even though a printed flag, the cotton content in the material brings it up a notch. It sells for $16.95 and averages 4.4 stars over 631 reviews.
Speaking of cotton, Valley Forge Flags makes a 100% cotton 3 x 5 flag. It has sewn stripes, embroidered stars, and heavy-duty brass grommets. You’ll want to use it on special occasions or display it indoors, but it is a beautiful flag. It sells for $27.93 and rates 4.3 stars over 299 reviews.
Other Sizes
Sure, the 3 x 5 flag is probably the most popular flag for home use – and the 3:5 ratio most closely approximates the Golden Mean – but you may need something smaller. More likely though, if you’re in the market for an American flag (not to mention one that’s made in the USA), there’s probably at least a part of you that’s wishing you could go pedal-to-the-metal, full-bore, ‘Murican with it. You’re in luck! These options are also Amazon Prime eligible.
There may be a Golden Mean, but there’s no such thing as a mean Golden!
Let’s get small(er).
Annin Flagmakers Model 21850, 2 1/2 x 4 foot flag. Sewn stripes, embroidered stars and a banner-style pole sleeve. A 4.7 star rating over 517 reviews, it sells for $16.97.
Valley Forge Flags also makes a 2 1/2 x 4 foot flag. It is made out of sewn polyester and comes with a five-foot pole. It sells for $37.99 and has a 4.1 star rating over 196 reviews.
A little bit larger, now.
USA Flag Co sells a 4 x 6 foot flag with embroidered stars and brass grommets. The price is $36.50 and it has an impressive 4.8 star rating over an equally impressive 1,643 reviews.
Keeping the Golden Ratio, only with four times the real estate.
American Flag and Pole Co maintains the Golden Ratio with a 6 x 10 foot flag, complete with sewn stripes and embroidered stars. It has a 4.6 star rating over 21 reviews and sells for $95.50.
Some countries are smaller than this flag.
Weighing in at 8 x 12 feet, Annin Flagmakers offers a flag with sewn stripes, embroidered stars, and a roped heading. It sells for $113.55 and has a 4.2 star rating over 73 reviews.
And Now, for Something Completely Different
Collins Flags doesn’t have any Amazon Prime-eligible flags, but we wanted to share its RePatriot Eco-Glory American flag with you. It’s made of 100% recycled water and soda bottles. The yarn is created from the PET material and woven into a polyester fabric, then dyed red, white and blue. The flag has embroidered stars and sewn stripes, which are sewn with a premium quality extra-strength polyester thread.The seams are double-stitched with back-stitch to reinforce the corners and four rows of lock stitching on the fly end. A great tribute to American ingenuity! The RePatriot sells for $34.99 and you can be the first to review it!
Twilight’s Last Gleaming
Flag Day is upon us and the Fourth of July is right around the corner. There’s no better time to upgrade your American flag to one that’s made right here in the good ol’ U S of A. You know you’ll be glad you did!
About American Dog
I started American Dog for two reasons: (1) for Winston and the world to get to know one another and (2) to showcase the excellence and depth of all the great American products that are made right here in the USA. This sense of purpose has only gotten stronger over time, and I believe it is being shared by more of us every day.
Wake me up when this part’s over.
I’m part of the Amazon Affiliates program. When I research and review products listed on Amazon, I may receive remuneration for items purchased there. Rest assured, however, that it has no bearing on the price you pay. Also, I never base my reviews on what I might receive from Amazon. After all, we’re American Dog: always faithful, loyal, and true – to you and to America!