We took a really long walk this morning. It was great!

We started up by the Capitol. It was really pretty at sunrise!
Whiskey Tango at sunrise on the Mall
Then we headed west down the Mall, past the Washington Monument and on to the World War II Memorial.
Refreshment at the World War II Memorial
I had never been able to get near the pool, but no one else was around, so my brother let me get a drink from it. I felt very honored!
Well, I mentioned a few days ago about singing along with the fire truck sirens. Something big must have been going on because at least five trucks went by as we were walking by the Reflecting Pool.
Singin’ Along!
If you come visit me, maybe we can sing a duet together!
I had never been to the Vietnam Memorial. It is really something. I felt like there was a big rift in the earth, and as you walk down from one end, the list of names start to get taller and taller, until you think you’re at the bottom of a big canyon.
At the Vietnam Memorial
There were very nice Christmas wreaths placed all along the Memorial. My brother was worried that I might mistake one of those as a little tree, if you know what I mean, but I was very careful to be respectful. I’m the American Dog, after all!

Here’s a nice statue dedicated to all the nurses who were in Vietnam. I wonder if there are any soldier dog memorials.
We also went by the Korean War Memorial, but my brother forgot to turn on the camera. That’s OK though! He did get a picture of me in front of the Lincoln Memorial.

We walked about five miles this morning, so I was ready for breakfast when we got back. And then, what to my wondering eyes did appear, but Treasure Number Eleven! I love carrying sacks by their handles! It’s what I do – I’m a Golden Retriever!
Well, I’ll see you tomorrow! I hope you have a good night!