Well, the new year has started out with its own set of surprises! For example, today’s treasure wasn’t a treat to eat at all. It was a fun, unexpected splash – and it happened so fast that my brother hardly had time to get you a picture of it!
On the way to the “Title” Basin
This morning, we walked around “The Title Basin”. At least, I think that is the name of it. Here’s the talk my brother and I had about it:
Me: Where are we walking today?
Brother: The Title Basin.
Me: What’s the name of the Basin?
Brother: Title.
Me: OK, the “title”.
Brother: Right.
Me: Right? Is the name the title or is the title the name?
Brother: What?
Anyway, even though I never did get the name of the “Untitled Basin”, I did find out that it serves a good purpose, besides being pretty, especially when the cherry blossoms are blooming! It was built to catch 250 million gallons from the Potomac River, twice a day, at high tide. Then, all that water flushes out into the Washington Channel, where our boat is, to help keep it clean. Isn’t that great! Now, if they ever have a contest to give the Basin a proper name, I would like to suggest that they give a nod to how it works with the tides. I think folks would be very impressed!
World War I Memorial
As we started around the Title Basin, we saw the World War I Memorial. It’s kind of between the World War II Memorial and the Korean War Memorial. My brother thinks that’s a little out of order, but it sure is a nice place. In fact, when my niece and nephew-in-law got married, our friends the McEntires took these great pictures of the wedding party there:

Our next stop was the Martin Luther King Memorial. I had always heard he was a giant of a man, and they were right! Look at this!
Dr King was a Giant of a Man!
And he’s not the only one who was much larger than I had thought. Take a look at Fala, the Roosevelt’s dog, who I had always pictured as a little guy. Well, when we got to their Memorial, I was in for a big surprise!

There’s a nice view of the monuments as we walked to the Jefferson Memorial:
Crossing the Bridge over the Tidal Basin
And, take a look at how much self-control I exercised when we came across a flock of geese!
Geese on the Tidal Basin
I’ll let you in on a little secret. I was able to walk past the geese because I had already set my sights on today’s Treasure of Christmas. After all the rain we had, there was a really nice puddle with about two or three inches of water in it. Well, it was calling my name. I’m sorry we don’t have a picture for you, but my brother spent a lot of time trying to pull me out of it instead of getting the camera. As you can see, though, it was a refreshing rest before we finished the walk!
Out of the Puddle
Later in the afternoon, we took a nice stroll at The Wharf. It was a little breezy, but it was great to see so many people and dogs out enjoying the afternoon down by the water!
Breezy at The Wharf
After such a big day, I was ready to take it easy! I hope you were also able to take a little nap outside on such a beautiful day!