We had a very exciting time last week, and I am really getting to put my management skills to work! It all started week before last, when we had a big wind storm. Everything was fine until that Tuesday, when a huge limb decided to come down in the back yard. Wow, they sure look a lot smaller when they’re up in the tree!

My brother had just come back from the gym, and he didn’t even notice it until after he fixed my dinner and looked out the kitchen window. I thought it was kind of a big thing not to notice, but then he doesn’t often see my toys until he steps on them, so I guess it’s understandable.

We called Greg and his team and they came last Monday and cleaned everything up for us. Here they are taking another big branch down – and saving our shamrock plant in the process! Please be patient during the first few seconds of the video: my brother is still learning how to edit them.
They brought a machine named Chipper and he was amazing! I bet he could eat a whole branch even faster than I can eat a whole pizza! His poop bags must be huge!

Well, I guess all my managing skills as Prime Rib Minister of the Winstonian Republics sure came in handy supervising the tree team. Even so, I was ready for a nap when they left!
My brother says that he heard once, “The Lord doesn’t call the equipped, he equips the called.” I think that’s my story. Has that ever happened to you? And I’m also thankful that Greg and his team were equipped when we called them! That’s really fun how that works out!
Love, Winston